Long Time, No News!

Hi everybody. Yes, it’s been very long since my last post and that is because life has been superhectic. I’ve been producing bands, composing songs and working more than ever with my production team; The Tune Park. There’s also a new person in my life. I just became a dad again to a beautiful little daughter. So things are happening, just not in the making plugin business:-) But as usuall I always come back and I still have the 10 dollar kits to come out. Might be a short while, but I’m gonna do it. Stick around:-)

TimeLong time no news from you

Long Time No News May 18, 2008. Well, really haven’t written in a while. This is mainly because I’m finally getting a bit serious with the project, instead of the. Long time no news Hey guys, long time no news, sorry about lacking updates in this game, I got busy but the full demo release shall still be on the same date (9/30/2014). Georgia coastal railway. And it has more features than what I first expected. The game will not be finished until December though but the full demo is already playable with endings with all girls.

Well, really haven’t written in a while. This is mainly because I’m finally getting a bit serious with the project, instead of the usual tech box it was until now. I’ve joined forces with with Svenstaro – he’s the web manager (we set up a gigantic wiki and forums on practically the first day or two), modeler, texture artist, designer, beta tester, and anything else he feels like doing. I’m the programmer, script writer (for the in-game based events, it’s all Lua), other designer, and anything else I feel like doing.

Long Time No News Quotes

So, yeah, that “0.5 Public Beta” is never going to happen. We’ve set up a road map on the wiki, starting at (code named “Fry”) going all the way to first complete release Lots of stuff is planned on the final release – full gameplay and everything.

Long Time No News

And… that’s pretty much it. Sorry if this disappointed you. At least, now you know the final product won’t just be another broken “dev. build” like on Facepunch, but an actual game. Just so you know, I won’t be releasing day-by-day info on the game. That’s like if Portal released news on it’s puzzles or technology every day (or even once a week or month) – it would’ve not been so extremely awesome if we knew what’s coming 😉

Long Time No News From You

The execution of mary queen of scots (1895). Anyways, if you guys want some technical news, I released Portalized’s SSAO shader over at Ogre3D’s forums, check it out. The final game will have multiple detail levels, don’t worry – in -rendermode=minimum, it’ll be able to run in complete fixed function calls, meaning practically a GF4, or even less (vertex transformation will be the bottleneck here). In -rendermode=medium, you get full per pixel lighting and other fancyness, but no extreme awesomeness – making it a perfect candidate for those PS2.0 cards, like the Radeon 9800 or X800. However, there is also and ultra-1337 render mode, called … you’ve guessed it, -rendermode=high. This uses extreme bandwidth on the graphics card, so be prepared to run it on a GF8800+, preferably the GTX or above (my own GTS has some slowdowns). The high render mode renders in two pipelines, one 256-bit pipeline, one 128-bit. This is what gives Portalized the power to render infinite (speed-limited) masked (if desired), soft self shadowed, shadowing lights that recurse through portals (and even what comes out of a portal soft self shadows and shadows)… and all of the post processing effects, such as glow and SSAO.