Two Holdem Odds Calculators 2007 [software] 300 [games]

BOL Calculator supports Limit and NL/PL Hold'em games, including cash/ring games and tournaments. BOL Calculator supports multiple game tables at the same time. You can multiple instances of BOL Calculator by double clicking the icon of BOL Calculator multiple times. Each of BOL Calculators will work with each of the game tables independently. The program even gives recommended actions during the game via an on-screen HUD and voice commands. Poker Calculator Pro Full Review. For many beginning players who like to play tournaments, the math and odds behind poker are beyond their comprehension. Poker Calculator Pro is a Windows program that gives players real-time advice in hands.

Here's a nice free pot odds calculator tool from ThePokerBank called 'SPOC'. Enjoy.

What is SPOC?


SPOC is a free Simple Pot Odds Calculator program that calculates your pot odds and odds of completing your draw based on the number of outs you have and on the pot and bet sizes.

It also tells you how much more you would need to win after completing your draw to break even if you do not currently have the correct odds to call.

It stays on top of other windows during play and helps you to work out your odds with those tricky drawing hands.

Note 1: As you can see on the bottom line, SPOCv2.5 shows that would need to win a further $22.22 from you opponent later on in the hand to break if you make the call in this spot. This is related to implied odds.

Note 2: In SPOC, the 'Pot $' field includes your opponent's current bet. So in the example above, a opponent has just bet $10 in to an existing $10 pot, making the Pot $ $20 and the Bet $ $10

Why use SPOC?

SPOC is really basic, but then that's the beauty of it. SPOC is not meant for just blindly churning out the odds when you have a drawing hand, it's designed to help you form a better understanding of ratios and all that mathematical stuff to do with drawing hands.

If you want a program that automatically outputs the stats and tells you what to do, you can pay $69.95 for Texas Calculatem. If you want to get to grips with drawing odds and familiarise yourself with the most common ratios and percentages for different situations, try SPOC.

So please, for your own good and the benefit of your game use your head as much as possible. In fact, as soon as you get used to the numbers just leave SPOC behind. It's a great tool for learning - just don't grow to rely on it.

How to use SPOC.

Before you use SPOC, it's best that you familiarise yourself with the pot odds article. Just remember that:

If your pot odds are greater than your chances of hitting your draw. CALL.

The odds charts will also be helpful for figuring out how many outs you have for different drawing hands. But for quick reference:

  • Flush draw - 9 outs.
  • Straight draw - 8 outs.
  • Gutshot straight draw - 4 outs.
  • Straight and flush draw - 15 outs.

SPOC features.

Holdem Odds Calc

  • Calculates pot odds.
  • Calculates implied odds (or how much you need to win if you do not have the right pot odds to continue).

Old versions.

SPOCv2.1 - An earlier version of SPOC without the implied odds calculator built in. Handy for those of you that are too optimistic with the amount of money you expect to win after hitting your draw.

Ultimate Texas Holdem Odds Calculator

Buy Iain a beer.

If SPOC has helped you win a few extra pots and taught you how to make the right calls when on drawing hands, why not send Iain (the developer) a few dollars for a congratulatory beer?


Poker Odds Calculator Holdem

Go back to the Texas Hold'em software.

Two Holdem Odds Calculators 2007 Software 300 Games Free

This data is collected using the same information you receive while sitting at the poker table. Poker Indicator does this for you, by reading the log files supplied by the online poker rooms themselves. The advantage of relying on Poker Indicator is that it actually remembers all the precise player and table activity, and automatically tabulates it for you. Top professionals have amazing card memory - so can you!
Gms: Number of games tracked for that player. By this you know how representative the stats are.
Balance: The dollar amount that this player is up or down for all hands tracked for the current session. It is very interesting to observe how different playing styles (see Flop%, Shdn% etc) correlate with winning or losing patterns. Also, the balance may represent additional useful information regarding the player's current mindset (who is more likely to 'play it safe', who is getting desperate, who is about to 'go on tilt' etc). Due to technical difficulty, sometimes the balance value might not be accurate on some sites.
Flop%: The percentage of games where this player saw the flop (over the entire number of games played). This is the primary indicator of where this player falls in the tight/loose scale, and is very useful in putting your opponent on a range of hands.
Shdn%: The percentage of games where this player stayed in all the way to showdown (over the entire number of games played). This is another extremely useful piece of information, especially when combined with the Flop%. A small difference in the two, for example, 70% Flop and 58% Showdown, indicates that this player is prone to calling a lot and chasing long-shot possibilities (AKA 'fish detection').
ShdnWon%: The percentage of showdowns that this player actually won. A high percentage shows that the player know which hands are worthy of a showdown and has a good feeling of whether his opponents are bluffing or not (and vice versa).
The row with red color is the data for yourself.
Play money and real money data are tracked separately. Balance data is collected only for the current session. Flop%, Shdn% and ShdnWon% are collected historically.
Opponents Stats will be collected even you're sitting out. This data is kept locally on your computer and will be loaded automatically next time when you're sitting with the same player.