Ssush6: New Nationus History

SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. WASHINGTON — The number of Americans seeking unemployment aid fell slightly last week to 787,000, a historically high number that points to a weak job market held back by the. WASHINGTON — Almost any reporter who works at the U.S. Capitol will tell you there’s an excitement and reverence when you enter the building, even after years of doing it. You walk over the tile floors, through the Rotunda, past the Senate and House chambers, and you sense the history that has. The New Nation (1790-1828) Francis Scott Key reaches out towards the flag in 'The Star Spangled Banner' by Percy Moran During this time, Americans established their government and two parties emerged-the Federalists and the Republicans. Americans had a lot to deal with during this period. Learn u.s history a new nation with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of u.s history a new nation flashcards on Quizlet.


New Nation Era: 1790 - 1800
The United States History articles in this section on the New Nation Era relate to the important events, famous people and dates from 1790 - 1800. The New Nation Era followed the turbulent War of Independence and this was the historical period when Americans worked hard to establish the US government and the Constitution. The first census was undertaken, the Post Office and the National Mint was established. The politicians established their foreign policy and treaties were negotiated with the European powers. The leaders of the country who were elected president during the New Nation Era and helped to make United States History were George Washington and John Adams.


New Nation Era for kids: United States History from 1790 - 1800
Find interesting facts, history and important information about United States History from 1790 - 1800 in the New Nation Era with a short summary and definition followed by detailed info about each of these important historical events.

NewSsush6: New Nationus History

Events in New Nation American


The following events represent the major events of the first years of American History. It was a period known as the New Nation Period and covers 1780 to 1820. Subsequent US history was very much determined by the events that took place in this period. The greatests accomplishment was the writing of the US Constitution, the biggest failure the inablity of the Founders to come to grips with the problem of slavery.

Ssush6 New Nations History Timeline

1780's Weakness Of The Confederation1800 Washington, D.C.– Capital
1786 Annapolis Convention1800 Presidential Election
1786 Shays' Farmer Rebellion1801 Jefferson Inaugurated
1786 Constitutional Convention Meets1801 Tripolitan War
1787 Virginia Plan1803 Louisiana Purchase
1787 New Jersey Plan1803 Marbury v. Madison
1787 Great Compromises1803 Louis & Clark Expedition
1787 Constitution Approved1804 Presidential Election
1787 The Fight For Ratification1804 Alexander Hamilton Killed
1788 Constitution Takes Effect1805 Justice Chase Not Guilty In Impeachment Trial
1789 Washington Inaugurated1807 Fulton Sails Steamboat to Albany
1789 Judiciary Act Passed1807 Burr Not Guilty Of Treason
1790 Federal Government Assumes State Debt1807 Leopold Versus Chesapeake
1791 Bank Of The United States1807 Abolition Of Slave Trade
1791 Bill Of Rights Takes Effect1807 Embargo Act
1791 Battle Of Miami1807 Non-Intercourse Act
1793 Genet Affair1808 Presidential Election
1793 Proclamation Of Neutrality1810 Macon Bill
1793 Cotton Gin Invented1810 Battle Of Tippecanoe
1794 Whiskey Rebellion1812 War Of 1812
1794 Battle Of Fallen Timbers1812 Presidential Election
1795 Jay's Treaty1814 Hartford Convention
1795 Pinckney's Treaty1814 Treaty Of Ghent
1796 Presidential Election1814-Second Barbary War
1796 Washington's Farewell Address1816 Second Bank Of The United States
1797 XYZ Affair1816 Presidential Election
1798 Navy Department Created1817 Era Of Good Feeling
1798 Alien & Sedition Acts1817 Seminole War
1798 Kentucky & Virginia Resolution1818 Rush-Bagot Agreement
1799 Fries' Rebellion1819 Adams-Onis Treaty
1799 Logan Act1819 Panic Of 1819
1800 Peace Treaty With France1819 1st Steam Powered Ship Crosses Atlantic