Presbyterian Hymnal (us, 1990)music For Your Church Services

The following hymns and songs — found both in Glory to God (GTG) and in the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal (PH) — offer clear expressions of key themes in the Reformed tradition: giving our lives with gratitude for God’s grace, serving others with Christ-like love, sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, tending the creation entrusted to our care. From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. 2 Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. 3 Born Thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By Thine own eternal Spirit.

A digital hymnal is always ready when you are.

Presbyterian Hymnal (us, 1990)music For Your Church Services

Welcome to the one-stop Digital Hymnal shop!

Moulin Mills Music’s prides itself on being the only online marketplace that sells the complete array of available digital hymnal players giving you the best opportunity to meet your specific needs and price-point.

What is a digital hymnal?
A digital hymnal is an electronic hymn player that provides a wide selection of traditional hymns and modern worship songs. Each digital hymnal differs in the music and options it offers. Please spend some time on our website checking out our products and comparing the song and feature options. If you still have questions on what hymnal would best fit your needs, please call me, Thom Moulin, the “Hymnal Guy.” I know these hymnals inside and out, because they are the only product I handle. I also have background experience in electronics, sound systems, and digital hymnal repair.

Why buy a digital hymnal?
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We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at anytime and answer any questions you might have. Please do not hesitate to call me Thom Moulin, the “Hymnal Guy” at 814-227-8090 or toll free at 888-777-7056. We look forward to working with you to get the perfect hymnal to meet your needs.

Don’t forget to request a sample CD and additional information by filling out the form on our Contact page.

Sincerely & Peace Profound,
Thom Moulin, “The Hymnal Guy”

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Presbyterian hymnal (us 1990)music for your church services catholic

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Please feel free to call me, Thom Moulin, the “Hymnal Guy”
at (814) 227-8090 or toll free at (888) 777-7056.

Presbyterian hymnal (us 1990)music for your church services near me

We look forward to working with you to get the perfect hymnal to meet your needs.

Presbyterian Hymnal (us 1990)music For Your Church Services Online

Unsuccessful copyright permission led to exclusion of ‘In Christ Alone’

Four entities of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) responsible for publication of the new Presbyterian hymnal, “Glory to God,” have issued a statement in response to extensive media coverage of the absence of one hymn, “In Christ Alone,” from the new book.

Media outlets such as the Huffington Post, the Nashville Tennessean (whose story was picked up by Religion News Service and subsequently by Presbyterian News Service), and radio talk show host Glenn Beck have all published stories about the absence of “In Christ Alone,” from “Glory to God.”

Mary Louise Bringle, who chaired the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song which developed the new hymnal, recently wrote an article for The Christian Century and now the committee, the Office of Theology & Worship, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians and the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, publisher of the new book, have issued a formal statement.

The full text of the statement, dated Aug. 9, 2013:

There has been a great deal of conversation this week about the absence of the Getty/Townend hymn “In Christ Alone” in Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal.

The Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song had hoped to include a previously published version of “In Christ Alone” that altered a line in the second stanza from “the wrath of God was satisfied” to “the love of God was magnified.”

Presbyterian Hymnal (us, 1990)music For Your Church Services

Unfortunately, the copyright holders declined this request. After discussion and deliberation,the Committee voted and failed to reach the two-thirds majority that is the threshold for inclusion of a song in the final list of contents.

For a more detailed and nuanced account, see hymnal committee chair Mary Louise Bringle’s Christian Century article “Debating Hymns.”

Presbyterian Hymnal (us, 1990)music For Your Church Services

Presbyterian Hymnal (us 1990)music For Your Church Services Catholic

Some have argued that this decision reflects a defective theology or unwillingness to reckon with the judgment of God. But the absence of one text, however popular, should not be construed as a failure to address this theological theme.

Scripture speaks in a variety of ways about what happened in Christ’s death, and a model of atonement that understands the cross as satisfying God’s wrath and saving us through the blood of Christ is already richly presented in this collection.

For instance, “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” and “Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendor,” beloved hymns from the 1955 Presbyterian Hymnbook, are both included in Glory to God, as is “Lamb of God” by Twila Paris from the contemporary praise and worship canon, and a praise hymn from Korea that speaks powerfully of how Jesus “with his blood has washed and healed me / paid the heavy cost.”

Other views of the atonement are represented as well. These models do not reject the reality of God’s wrath, but they do not see the cross as an expression of it.

Finally, it should be noted that Glory to God includes an entire section devoted to “Christ’s Return and Judgment.” Indeed, this hymnal adds significant entries on the theme of judgment to material brought forward from earlier Presbyterian hymnals.

We are confident that this collection of hymns and songs shaped by the biblical story of God’s mighty acts in history — reflects the breadth and depth of Reformed theological tradition. The absence of one song, readily available through other sources, doesn’t change that. We pray that Glory to God will equip the church to sing of God’s love and justice and always and everywhere to give thanks and praise to God.

You can read the hymnal committee’s Theological Vision Statement and Statement on Language here.

Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song

Office of Theology & Worship

Presbyterian Association of Musicians

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation