I Get No Doubt

  1. Chumbawamba - I get no doubt. We'll be singing When we're winning We'll be singing 4x I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down Pissing the night away Pissing the night away He drinks a whisky drink He drinks a vodka drink He drinks a lager drink He drinks a cider drink He sings the songs that remind him.
  2. Certainly, without question, as in He's guilty, no doubt, but he doesn't deserve such a long sentence, or That basketball player is without doubt the tallest man I've ever seen. Early 1300s Also see beyond a doubt.
  3. 2 days ago No doubt definition: You use no doubt to emphasize that something seems certain or very likely to you. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

No doubt or without doubt? - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary.

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1. To be undecided or skeptical about: began to doubt some accepted doctrines.
2. To tend to disbelieve; distrust: doubts politicians when they make sweeping statements.
3. To regard as unlikely: I doubt that we'll arrive on time.
a. The state of being uncertain about the truth or reliability of something. See Synonyms at uncertainty.
b. often doubts A feeling of uncertainty or distrust: had doubts about his ability.
2. A point about which one is uncertain or skeptical: reassured me by answering my doubts.
3. The condition of being unsettled or unresolved: an outcome still in doubt.
no doubt
2. Probably.
[Middle English douten, from Old French douter, from Latin dubitāre, to waver; see dwo- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: The choice of what conjunction to use following doubt and doubtful is a perennial usage problem. When doubt and doubtful indicate strong uncertainty, the Usage Panel prefers whether and that over if. In our 2008 survey, 51 percent indicated that they would use that, while 43 percent preferred whether in the following sentence: At one time it was doubtful [that/whether/if] the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. Only 6 percent said they would favor if in this sentence, probably because if has a more informal tone. When the expectation for the outcome is negative, that tends to be used. Some 86 percent of the Panel prefer that in the sentence I doubt [that/whether/if] it will rain tomorrow (where the expectation is that it probably won't rain), with whether getting the preference of only 6 percent and if getting 7 percent. Note that, in certain kinds of sentences, the choice of conjunction can carry subtle differences in implication. That is the best choice when the truth of the clause following doubt is assumed, as in negative sentences and questions. Thus I never doubted for a minute that I would be rescued implies 'I was certain that I would be rescued.' By the same token, Do you doubt that you will be paid? may be understood as a rhetorical question meaning 'Surely you believe that you will be paid,' whereas Do you doubt whether you will be paid? expresses a genuine request for information (and might be followed by Because if you do, you should make the client post a bond). Note that it is also acceptable to omit that in these sentences: I doubt she will accept the nomination. In other cases, however, this distinction between whether and that is not always observed. · When doubt is negated to indicate belief or certainty, the clause following doubt is sometimes introduced with but that or simply but, as in I do not doubt but that they will come. This construction has been used by many fine writers, but some critics object to its use in formal writing. Dropping the but easily solves this problem. See Usage Notes at but, if.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Adv.1.no doubt - admittedly; 'to be sure, he is no Einstein'
to be sure, without doubt
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
áreiîanlega, eflaust


(daut) verb

I Get No Doubt When I Get Up Again

I get no doubt song
1. to feel uncertain about, but inclined not to believe. I doubt if he'll come now; He might have a screwdriver, but I doubt it. twyfel يَشُكُّ съмнявам се duvidar pochybovat bezweifeln tvivle på αμφιβάλλωdudar kahtlema شک داشتن epäillä douter לְהָטִיל סָפֶק संदेह करना sumnjati, dvojiti kételkedik vmiben ragu-ragu efa, efast um dubitare 疑う 미심쩍게 생각하다 abejoti šaubīties keraguan betwijfelentvile på, tvilewątpić متردد کیدل duvidar a se îndoi сомневаться pochybovať dvomiti sumnjati betvivla, tvivla på ไม่แน่ใจ kuşku duymak, şüphe etmek, sanmamak 懷疑 сумніватися; вагатися تردد میں ہونا ، اعتبار نہ کرنا nghi ngờ 怀疑
2. not to be sure of the reliability of. Sometimes I doubt your intelligence! bevraagteken يُشَكِّكُ في не съм сигурен duvidar mít pochybnosti bezweifeln tvivle på αμφισβητώ dudar de kahtlema تردید داشتن epäillä avoir des doutes sur לְהָטִיל סָפֶק अविश्वास nemati vjere kétségbe von (vmit) meragukan efast um avere dubbi su 疑う 의문을 가지다 abejoti apšaubīt kesangsian twijfelen aantvile på, ha sine tvil wątpić w متردد کیدل duvidar a se îndoi de сомневаться mať pochybnosti (o) dvomiti (o čem) sumnjati tvivla på คลางแคลงใจ kuşku duymak, şüphe etmek 不太相信 бути невпевненим; не довіряти کسی چیز کی صداقت پر یقین نہ کرنا hoài nghi 不相信
a feeling of not being sure and sometimes of being suspicious. There is some doubt as to what happened; I have doubts about that place. twyfel, bedenking شَك، إرْتِياب، تَشَكُّك съмнение dúvida pochybnost, nejistota der Zweifel tvivl αμφιβολίαduda kahtlus شک؛ تردید epäilys douteספק संदेह sumnja kétség curiga efi, vafi, vafamál dubbio 疑い 의심 abejonė šaubas kesangsian twijfel tvil, usikkerhet, fryktwątpliwość شک،متردد dúvida îndoială, dubiu сомнение pochybnosť dvom sumnja tvivel, tveksamhet ความสงสัย kuşku, şüphe 懷疑 сумнів شک sự ngờ vực 怀疑
ˈdoubtful adjective
1. feeling doubt; uncertain what to think, expect etc. He is doubtful about the future of the school. twyfelagtig مُتَشَكِّك، مُرْتاب колеблив duvidoso nejistý, pochybovačný in Zweifel tvivle på; uvis αβέβαιοςdudoso kahtlev مشکوک؛ مردد epäilevä incertain מוּטָל בְּסָפֶק संदिग्ध, अविश्वासी sumnjiv kétséges meragukan óviss, efagjarn dubbioso, incerto 疑わしい 불확실한 abejojantis, skeptiškas kaut ko apšaubīt ragu-ragu twijfelachtigtvilende, uviss, usikkersceptyczny شكمن، متردد duvidoso plin de îndoieli сомневающийся neistý negotov sumnjičav tveksam, osäker สงสัย kuşkulu, şüpheli, emin değil 令人起疑的 той, що сумнівається; той, що вагається مذبذب nghi ngại 使人生疑的
2. able to be doubted; not clear. The outcome is doubtful; a doubtful result. twyfelagtige مَشْكوكٌ فيه неясен duvidoso pochybný; nejasný fraglich tvivlsom; uvis αμφίβολος, αμφισβητήσιμοςdudoso, incierto kahtlane مبهم epäselvä incertain, indécis בְּסָפֶק अनिश्चित upitan kétes tidak jelas vafasamur incerto はっきりしない 불분명한 abejotinas šaubīgs; apšaubāms tidak jelas twijfelachtigtvilsom, uviss, uklarwątpliwy مبهم duvidoso incert, indecis сомнительный nejasný dvomljiv neizvestan tvivelaktig น่าสงสัย şüpheli, belirsiz 令人存疑的,不明確的 сумнівний شک کے قابل đáng ngờ 令人怀疑的,未定的
3. uncertain but rather unlikely, unhopeful etc. It is doubtful whether this will work; a doubtful improvement. bedenklike غَيْر مُؤَكَّد несигурен duvidoso nejistý, neurčitý, pochybný zweifelhaft usikker; tvivlsom αμφισβητήσιμοςdudoso, poco probable küsitav مورد تردید؛ غیر قطعی epävarma douteux מוּטָל בְּסָפֶק संदेहास्पद nesiguran bizonytalan meragukan vafasamur incerto おぼつかない 미덥지 못한 abejotinas neskaidrs; apšaubāms meragukan twijfelachtigtvilsomwątpliwy غير قطعى duvidoso îndoielnic сомнительный podozrivý vprašljiv neizvestan tveksam, oviss ไม่แน่ใจ olası değil, ihtimal dışı 不大可能的 неясний; непевний غیر یقینی không chắc chắn 难料的
4. suspicious. He's rather a doubtful character. twyfelagtige مُتَشَكِّك، كَثيرُ الأرْتِياب съмнителен suspeito pochybný zweifelhaft tvivlsom ύποπτοςdudoso, sospechoso umbusklik بد گمان؛ شکاک epäluuloinen loucheמפוקפק संदिग्ध sumnjivog karaktera gyanús mencurigakan grunsamlegur ambiguo, equivoco いかがわしい 수상쩍은 įtartinas, abejotinas šaubīgs; aizdomīgs mencurigakan twijfelachtigtvilsom, problematiskpodejrzany بد ګمان suspeito bănuitor, suspicios подозрительный pochybný sumljiv sumnjičav tvivelaktig น่าสงสัย şüpheli, kuşku yaratan 可疑的 підозрілий غیر معتبر khả nghi 可疑的

I Get No Doubt Mp3

twyfelagtige بشَكٍّ، بِتَشَكُّك، بِصورَةٍ مَشْكوكٌ فيها съмнително duvidosamente nejistě, pochybně fraglich tvivlsomt; uvis αμφίβολα dudosamente kahtlevalt با شک و تردید epäillen d'une manière douteuse בְסָפֶק सन्देहपूर्वक sumnjivo két(el)kedve, bizonytalanul penuh keraguan á vafasaman hátt in modo dubbioso 疑って 분명치 않게 abejotinai, abejojamai šaubīgi; apšaubāmi dengan ragu-ragu twijfelachtigtvilsomt, uvisst wątpliwie د شک او تردید سره duvidosamente cu îndoială сомнительно neisto negotovo; dvomljivo sumnjičavo tveksamt, tvivelaktigt อย่างสงสัย kuşkuyla, tereddütle 起疑地,存疑地,可疑地 підозріло; непевно غیر یقینی طور پر một cách đầy hoài nghi 可疑地
ˈdoubtfulness noun
twyfel, bedenking شَكٌّ، تَشَكُّكٌ съмнителност dubiedade nejistota, pochybnost die Fragwürdigkeit uvished αβεβαιότηταincertidumbre ebakindlus تردید epätietoisuus incertitudeספקנות सन्देह sumnjičavost bizonytalanság, kétértelműség keraguan óvissa, efi dubbiosità, incertezza 疑わしさ 분명치 않음 abejojimas šaubīgums keraguan twijfelachtigheiduvisshet powątpiewanie متردد dubiedade incertitudine сомнительность neistota negotovost sumnjičavost tveksamhet, tvivelaktighet ความสงสัย kuşku, tereddüt 起疑,存疑,可疑 невизначеність; нерішучість غیر یقینی کیفیت sự hoài nghi 怀疑

I Get No Doubt Letra

probably. John has doubtless told you about me. ongetwyfeld دونَ شَك، بلا رَيْب несъмнено sem dúvida bezpochyby zweifellos utvivlsomt; uden tvivl αναμφίβολαsin duda, seguramente arvatavasti احتمالاً epäilemättä sans aucun douteללא ספק निस्‍सन्देह nedvojbeno, bez sumnje kétségtelenül mungkin vafalaust, áreiðanlega; sennilega indubbiamente きっと 확실히, 과연 tikriausiai, greičiausiai bez šaubām; neapšaubāmi mungkin ongetwijfeld utvilsomtniewątpliwie احتمال sem dúvida fără îndoială несомненно bezpochyby nedvomno nesumnjivo utan tvivel บางที kuşkusuz, şüphesiz, herhalde 很可能地 безперечно, безсумнівно بلا شبہ hầu như chắc chắn 很可能地
beyond doubt

I Get No Doubt Song

certain(ly). Beyond doubt, they will arrive tomorrow; His honesty is beyond doubt. ongetwyfeld بِدون أي شَك، أبْعَد من أي شَك، بالتَّأْكيد със сигурност fora de dúvida nepochybně, nade vší pochybnost zweifellos uden for al tvivl; hævet over enhver tvivl αναμφίβολα sin duda alguna, fuera de toda duda kahtlemata, väljaspool kahtlust بی شک؛ مطمئناً varmasti indubitable; indubitablement מִעֶבֶר לְכל סָפֶק निस्‍सन्देह iznad sumnje kétségkívül pasti efalaust, engum vafa undirorpið fuor di dubbio 疑いなく 확실(히) be abejonės neapšaubāmi pasti boven iedere twijfel verheven hevet over tvil bez żadnej wątpliwości بې شكه، بې ترديده fora de dúvida dincolo de orice îndoială вне (всяких) сомнений bezpochyby brez dvoma; nesporen van svake sumnje bortom (höjd över) allt tvivel แน่นอน kuşku götürmez 無疑地 безсумнівно یقینا chắc chắn 无疑地
in doubt
uncertain. The result of the dispute is still in doubt. onseker مَشْكوكٌ فيهِ несигурен incerto na vážkách, na pochybách zweifelhaft usikkert αβέβαιοςincierto ebakindel مورد تردید؛ نامعلوم epävarma indécis מוּטָל בְּסָפֶק अनश्चिय biti u sumnji, biti nesiguran bizonytalanságban tidak pasti óviss, vafasamur in dubbio, incerto 不確かな 불분명한 abejotinas, neaiškus neskaidrs; apšaubāms tak pasti in onzekerheid i tvil, ennå uvisstwątpliwy, niepewny نامعلوم، مبهم، مشكوك ناپايه، بې ثباته incerto indecis не ясен na vážkach negotov pod sumnjom oviss, osäker ไม่แน่นอน şüpheli, belirsiz 不確定 точно не відомий; непевний غیر یقینی không chắc chắn 不能肯定的,拿不准地

I Get No Doubt Song

no doubt
surely; probably. No doubt you would like to see your bedroom; He will come back again tomorrow, no doubt. ongetwyfeld لا شَكَّ، بالتَّأْكيد، بِدون شَك сигурно com certeza bezpochyby, rozhodně zweifellos uden tvivl; helt sikkert σίγουρα, πιθανότατα sin duda, seguramente kahtlemata بی شک epäilemättä sans douteללא ספק निस्‍सन्देह bez sumnje kétségkívül tentunya áreiðanlega, eflaust senza dubbio きっと 확실히 be abejonės, tikriausiai bez šaubām pasti ongetwijfeld uten tvil, utvilsomt bez wątpienia بې شكه de certeza fără îndoială без сомнения bezpochyby; pravdepodobne gotovo bez sumnje utan tvivel, förstås, väl แน่นอน; บางที herhâlde, sanırım 無疑地 безсумнівно; неодмінно یقینا chắc chắn 无疑地
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