How To Virtually Transform Your Life!

For those looking to move, rent, or buy in another city (or country), Presenceware’s virtual tours are set to revolutionise the property market – giving 360 tours of residential or commercial properties. Top-rate software designers Foundry, on the other hand, even offer simulated construction projects, meaning you can walk through the kitchen of your future home well before the plot has. The reality is that changing your life starts with changing the way you see everything in your life. So below are some specific ways you can start to change your life right now. 7 Ways to Change Your Life 1. If you were able to attain even a slight sense of pleasure in the experience, you are one of the lucky ones possessing ability to harness the great power of the mind to transform your life. Whether you're a Baby Boomer, 20 or 90, you've had years of indoctrination into a belief system that may not be serving you well.

HTC revealed its new Vive VR headset on Sunday at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. HTC collaborated with game developer Valve to create the device....

HTC revealed its new Vive VR headset on Sunday at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. HTC collaborated with game developer Valve to create the device.

Woman using VR to fight her phobias or fears at home.Source:istock

REDUCING errors made during surgery, bringing school books to life, enabling us to browse shops from the comfort of home — virtual reality is not just about gaming, it will change our lives, according to some tech leaders.

“VR” is the buzz industry at Asia’s largest tech fair, Computex, being held in Taiwan’s capital Taipei this week.

The island is hoping to become a development hub for virtual reality technology.

But while VR is currently aimed at gamers, its evangelists forecast it will eventually be about much more than entertainment.

“We know that gaming will be the first wave of revenue and gamers the first wave of consumers, but our vision is larger than gaming,” said Raymond Pao, Vice President of VR New Technology at Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC, which recently released its first VR headset: Vive.

Pao says any industry that could use 3D may well end up exploiting the technology.

HTC is among major tech firms including Facebook and Samsung that have latched onto the immersive experience platform — forecast to become a huge market.

With the Vive device strapped to their heads, users at Computex “flew” over New York or threw grenades at enemies on a cobbled road of a deserted town.

But HTC has already branched out into the medical sector too.

The firm last year invested in a US start-up that uses virtual reality to help surgeons plan complicated brain operations.

Retail and education are also predicted to be the next frontier for VR and its cousin, augmented reality.

Transform Your Life

While virtual reality devices put users in fantasy worlds, augmented reality overlays holograms on an actual view.

“What we learn from textbooks or labs can be really dull, but VR and AR will greatly enhance learning abilities,” Zhu Bo, founder of InnoValley, a Chinese start-up investor based in Shenzhen, told AFP.

“It can also be used in e-commerce. In the future, you will step into a real scene, you can see the products on the shelves, touch and feel them. So our shopping experience will totally change,” said Zhu, who has invested in the field but did not give details.

Fully immersive virtual reality... From a phone? Chris Griffith reviews the Samsung Gear VR...

Fully immersive virtual reality... From a phone? Chris Griffith reviews the Samsung Gear VR

No passing fad’

The global market size of virtual reality products may reach $5.1 billion this year and is projected to more than double to $10.9 billion in 2017, according to Taipei-based market intelligence provider TrendForce.

Sony is launching its PlayStation VR headgear later this year, while Google is coming up with a new VR platform called Daydream.

British firm ARM also announced this week that its new processors will enable mobile phones to run virtual and augmented reality features by 2017, and US tech giant Microsoft says its software will be compatible with “mixed reality devices”.

However, despite the enthusiasm, there is still an air of uncertainty over whether the technology is ripe to take off.

Some say companies must flesh out the “ecosystem” by creating more VR-related hardware and software for consumers.

“To experience VR, you need a powerful engine. Without content, you can’t experience anything,” said L.Z. Wang, managing director of Taiwan for California-based chipmaker AMD.

The current VR products on the market only allow users to immerse in a movie or a game on their own, which could also limit the technology from catching on with consumers, experts say.

“A lot of times with the demos, they are single user experiences. You just kind of go, ‘Oh, that was fun,’ and walk away,” said Justin Hendrix, executive director of NYC Media Lab, an academic research group funded by tech companies.

Other inhibitors include cost — HTC Vive headgear is about $800 — and dizziness for some who strap on the headsets.

But believers say it is a matter of time for those issues to be resolved. “VR and AR is not hype, it’s an era,” said Zhu from InnoValley. “In another three to five years, it will affect everyone’s life.”

The average employee spends 13 hours each week on email. That, plus endless lists of to-do items, hours of seemingly pointless meetings and unexpected interruptions creates noise that prevents productivity, inhibits creativity and gets between you and the day you hoped you’d have. So what can you do about it? Take a deep breath, imagine the life you want to have instead, and create a plan to make that happen.

Below are ten steps, inspired by the advice of writers and contributors, that can help you take charge and help you craft the professional and personal life that works for you.

1. Define success. Only you know what will make you feel fulfilled. When you want to achieve a goal, whether it’s starting a new business, writing a book or running a marathon, start with the end in mind. Write it down and refer work toward it every day.

Read more: Transform Your Vision Into Action with These 3 Steps

2. Visualize that success. Think back to a time when you accomplished something that really made you proud. Now imagine the best possible outcome of your new venture and hold on to that feeling – and that image of yourself. Work for that future you and don’t hold that person back with your own pessimism.

Transform your life

Read more: Become More Positive with These 5 Tips

3. Forget entitlement. You aren’t destined to succeed because you went to a certain school or have a certain background or contacts. Don’t expect that what you want will fall into your lap or that you are more deserving than someone else. Focus on the work or expect to miss out on something great.

Read more: 9 Lessons You Won't Learn in Business School

4. Think small to think big. You can’t change your ways overnight, so set small, achievable milestones and slowly build momentum toward your goal. Don’t set yourself up to fail by taking on too much too soon.

Read more: How You Can Form Better Habits Faster

5.Consistency is key. Procrastination can quickly turn to panic, kicking your brain into crisis mode. That’s bad for creative output and your health. Start early and give each milestone the time it needs.

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Read more: Procrastinators: How to Fight Your Genes and Get Stuff Done Now

6. Prioritize. Do the most pressing or important item on your to-do lists first. Even if you think knocking off a couple of smaller tasks will help you tackle the big one, willpower is often at its highest at the start of the day rather than at the end of it. Monitor yourself to understand when you are the most productive and organize your schedule accordingly.

Read more: The Only Productivity Tip You'll Ever Need

How To Transform Your Life Book

7. Delegate. You can’t do everything. Think about what someone else can take on, at work or in your personal life, so you can devote more time to your new priorities. Learn to let some tasks go and relish in the new perspective you’ll get in return.

Read more: 10 Easy Steps for Entrepreneurs to Achieve Work-Life Balance

8. Find collaborators. To make these steps stick, enlist likeminded friends, colleagues and family members who will hold you accountable, celebrate your achievements and share their insights. Support can come from the unlikeliest of sources. Just make sure you're open to the possibilities.

Read more: The Productivity and Life Hack That Almost Always Work


9. Stay motivated. To keep engaged and weather any setbacks, make yourself a “motivational manual.” Look to quotes from people who inspire you or playlists of songs that boost your creativity and productivity. Create an environment where you can thrive.

Read more: How to Create a Personalized Motivational Manual to Boost Productivity

10. Take stock and try again tomorrow. If you feel like you have too many plates in the air, stop and just focus on one at a time. Try spending time on one project every day and see how much you accomplish.

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Read more: It's Time to Focus and Reclaim Your Productivity