Download Free Software Stanford Archery Program

Click Here Archers Advantage Online if You Are Looking For The Online Version

Legacy Software Support


Recent changes to the Windows Operating System Security have made the current version of Archer's Advantage for Windows obsolete.

While you may still be able to install Archer's Advantage for Windows, you will not be able to install updates, rendering this version of Archer's Advantage useless.

Download package without front end. Structure Version 2.3.4 Plotting programs and other resources: CLUMPP and distruct from Noah Rosenberg's lab can automatically sort the cluster labels and produce nice graphical displays of structure results. Other plots are produced directly by the software package itself. 'Without Archers Advantage your sight marks are not good enough! There is a reason why most World Champions use this program, it's quick, accurate and will never let you down.

In an attempt to be as fair to my customers as possible, I am offering free Archer's Advantage Online Service to existing Windows Customers under the following conditions.

  • For customers who first registered their software in 2019
    • I will provide 3 years of complementary service to Archer's Advantage Online
  • For customers who first registered their software in 2018
    • I will provide 2 years of complementary service to Archer's Advantage Online
  • For customers who first registered their software in 2017
    • I will provide 1 year of complementary service to Archer's Advantage Online
  • For remaining Archer's Advantage for Windows Customers
    • I will provide 6 months of complementary service to Archer's Advantage Online

To claim this offer, send your valid 12-Digit Version 5 CD Code to

Once I have verified that the CD Code is registered to you, I will create an account for you at Archer's Advantage Online or extend your service as appropriate.

Note: Archer's Advantage is still not my day job. It may take up to 24 hours for me to respond to your request.

The Stanford Faculty Development Center for Medical Teachers, in operation 1985-2019, was established to meet two major objectives.

  • To disseminate teaching improvement courses to medical faculty nationally and internationally through our facilitator-training programs in Clinical Teaching and Basic Science Teaching. SFDC graduates are available to conduct workshops for other institutions and organizations. Large groups of participants can be accommodated by using a number of trained facilitators to work with small, break-out groups. Program alumni can be contacted directly for further information.
  • To provide teaching improvement workshops for medical teachers involved in undergraduate and graduate medical education at Stanford University.

Facilitator-Training Course in Clinical Teaching

The facilitator training course is no longer being offered.
Each year six medical faculty were selected to attend a 1-month SFDC Clinical Teaching facilitator-training course. The training provided participants with background knowledge and seminar leadership skills required to deliver a series of seven 2-hour seminars to their colleagues and to residents. Extensive opportunities to practice teaching skills were provided. More


Facilitator-Retraining Course in Basic Science Teaching

The Archery Program Free Download

The facilitator retraining course is no longer being offered.
The SFDC's teaching improvement curriculum was modified for an audience of basic science teachers. Modifications included new video vignettes and role-play scenarios. Previously trained Clinical Teaching facilitators returned to the SFDC for a 5-day course that prepared them to teach this revised curriculum. More

Teaching Support at Stanford University School of Medicine

download free, software Stanford Archery Program

The SFDC has provided teaching improvement workshops and consultations to basic science and clinical faculty, medical residents, postdoctoral scholars and teaching assistants at Stanford University School of Medicine. Teaching workshops will continue to be offered at Stanford. More